AbstractSubjects spoken of include communal ownership of natural resources, reciprocal gift giving, and urban commercialization Anthropological Studies on Various Subjects Commentary Anthropological-Studies-on-Various-Subjects.docx 15 KB download-circle
Isolation and Connection in Urban Space Abstract In the two books, “Behind the Gates'' and” Renegade Dreams”, by Setha Low and Laurence Ralph, ideas of isolation and connection in urban space are the focal issue. Overall these ideas are important in urban anthropology because they are a consequence of inequality, particularly social, economic and
An Introductory History of Musical Therapy Abstract Music therapy’s practice is relatively new in fame and the spotlight of medicine, but its practicality and results call for deeper studies that will allow the effectiveness to be made public in articles and better standardized for therapists and clients alike. Though no quantitative data is provided in
Flaws in Athenian Arguments from the Melian Dialouge Abstract If I was able to time travel to Athens in the year 416 BC to comment and attempt to persuade my fellow Athenians in the popular assembly on the grounds of overthrowing Melos, I would try to convince them that the Athenian arguments explaining their right to establish dominance